About Us

Founded by someone with a significant disability, our mission is to ensure that information, services, and products are accessible to everyone, and that businesses and organizations reach as many people as possible. We will create websites, ads and other social media that meet international standards for inclusivity.


Conditions such as visual, hearing, cognitive, and motor impairments can create barriers that make it difficult or even impossible for individuals with disabilities to access and engage with your website and marketing materials.
It's time to break down these barriers and ensure inclusivity for all. Disability isn't just about physical or cognitive conditions; it's about removing obstacles that prevent people from fully participating in the world, including your social media content.


Our vision is to become the leading agency providing inclusive, accessible social media and digital marketing solutions to ensure that service providers can help as many people as possible, as soon as possible.

Robert Smith


Accessible Marketing

In 1989 & had a spinal cord injury while playing rugby. Since then, I have earned master’s degrees in psychology and social work, but the impact of my disability has meant that I have been unable to work in those fields. That is why I studied social media marketing through Digital Marketing School.
Ever since my spinal cord injury I have faced barriers to being completely involved in the world around me. Unfortunately, this applies to the digital world as much as the physical. I have noticed several examples of ads and websites that could do a lot more to accommodate for people with permanent, temporary or situational disabilities. This is why I have decided to expand the services my digital marketing agency, provides. Healthcare Marketing Solutions is now Accessible Marketing.
We will assess and create digital content, including websites and paid and unpaid marketing, so that it’s accessible to everyone, because everyone should have access to the products and services you provide.